Soothe Sore Muscles Using Power Plate
40 soothing vibrations per second help you recover from muscle pain faster.
Place any sore muscles on top of the Power Plate vibration plate and sit back as the micro vibrations flow through your body offering a sense of instant relief.
Recover faster using the power of micro vibrations.
here’s what real users are saying about power plate

Peter Gallagher
Film and Television Actor Starring on“The O.C."
“Hit a big bucket of balls, play 18 holes, get stuck in traffic on the way home and get out of your car like a hundred-year-old man. Sixty seconds on the Power Plate and you’re good as new. No kidding. It sounds improbable, but feeling is believing.”

Rhonda cap
Wellness Director At Leisure World Arizona“Our clients and residents have really gotten a great response from Power Plates. We’ve had numerous incidences where people have increase joint range of motion, decreased pain, they’ve gotten rid of their back pain, or knee pain or shoulder or hip issues.”

Dr. Hilary Jones
GP Doctor and Health Expert forThe Sun on Sunday
“I have used the Power Plate machine both for fitness training and for remedial sports treatments such as shin splints, muscle stiffness, over exercise, backache and groin strain, and have been really impressed with it...I am also planning to introduce Power Plate training to my mother who suffers from osteoporosis.”
One Vibration Machine.
Endless Benefits.
Improve Muscle Recovery
The soothing vibrations of Power Plate help increase blood flow that in turn can help improve muscle recovery times. Additionally, placing sore muscles on the vibrating platform helps alleviate muscle soreness.
Improve Flexibility
Using a Power Plate routinely has been shown to help increase flexibility. In a study conducted using whole body vibrations indicated that the vibration had a statistically significant influence on flexibility (European Journal of Sports Science).
Improve Blood Circulation
Tiny vibrations flowing through your body enhance the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells and support their functioning. Multiple studies have shown that whole body vibration increases skin blood flow (Medical Science Monitor).
Burn More Calories
Whole body vibration training forces your body to work harder during workouts to stabilize against the vibrations which in turn helps burn more calories.
Activate More Muscles
Scientists have found that a Power Plate vibration plate workout recruits 95% of your muscle fibers while a regular workout is shown to only recruit 45% (The American Chiropractor).
Reduce Fall Risk
Seniors using a Power Plate can perform exercises that help improve balance and stability. These exercises are designed to engage muscle fibers and also help retrain motor patterns resulting in improvements in balance.
Ready to take your workout to
the next level?
Whether you’re suffering from low back pain or shoulder pain, you can benefit from vibration therapy. Shop the best-in-class whole body vibration machines from Power Plate.