Build Stronger Bones with Power Plate
Working out on a Power Plate forces your bones to work harder and in turn makes them stronger.
In an independent study of 116 women, the group using the Power Plate saw a 4.3% increase in bone mineral density while the group that did not use Power Plate lost 1.9% in bone mineral density (Menopause Review). Get the best vibration plate for bone density here.
Start building stronger bones by using a Power Plate.
here’s what real users are saying about power plate

Dr. Hilary Jones
GP Doctor and Health Expert forThe Sun on Sunday
“I have used the Power Plate machine both for fitness training and for remedial sports treatments such as shin splints, muscle stiffness, over exercise, backache and groin strain, and have been really impressed with it...I am also planning to introduce Power Plate training to my mother who suffers from osteoporosis.”

Dr. Yoni Whitten
The Pain Fix Protocol“The research on whole body vibration training has shown impressive results for increased bone density in the lumbar spine and the neck of the femur. As these are some of the most common fracture sites it is important to increase bone density in those areas, and increase muscular strength and stamina. This is like insurance for protecting your health, your longevity, your functionality and your quality of life.”

Dr. Matthew Wyon
Exercise Physiologist, English National Ballet“Power Plate training allows dancers to increase power and strength whilst maintaining their aesthetic body lines. An added benefit is that it also helps to increase bone mineral density which is an area of concern especially for female dancers in their upper bodies.”
One Machine.
Endless Benefits.
Increase Bone Density
Gravity applies a constant load on the skeletal system that’s what causes bones to maintain a certain density. Whole body vibration training on a Power Plate increases this load on the bones helping increase bone density.
Improve Muscle Recovery
The soothing vibrations of Power Plate help increase blood flow that in turn can help improve muscle recovery times. Additionally, placing sore muscles on the vibrating platform helps alleviate muscle soreness.
Reduce Fall Risk
Seniors using a Power Plate can perform exercises that help improve balance and stability. These exercises are designed to engage muscle fibers and also help retrain motor patterns resulting in improvements in balance.
Improve Flexibility
Using a Power Plate routinely has been shown to help increase flexibility. In a study conducted using whole body vibrations indicated that the vibration had a statistically significant influence on flexibility (European Journal of Sports Science.
Improve Circulation
Tiny vibrations flowing through your body enhance the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells and support their functioning. Multiple studies have shown that whole body vibration increases skin blood flow (Medical Science Monitor).
Burn More Calories
Power Plate forces your body to work harder during workouts to stabilize against the vibrations which in turn helps burn more calories. Using a vibration platform can help you achieve your weight loss goals faster.
Ready to Start Building Stronger Bones? Select Your Power Plate Model.
Improve your bone health through vibration therapy now. Take your exercise routine to the next level with a vibration machine from Power Plate.