A Groundbreaking Formula For Fixing Plantar Fasciitis With The Power Plate (Video)

In this video, the former Physical Chiropractor for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers shows a two step stretch on the Power Plate that addresses the root cause of most Plantar Fasciitis.  

Plantar Fasciitis is caused 1) when the fascia on the bottom of the foot gets tight, and starts to pull at the heel. And 2) when the muscle under the calf gets tight and pulls at the heel. 

When both of these parts of your legs and feet are pulling at the same time, Plantar Fasciitis is the result. 

Because the Power Plate sends 3D vibrations on average 40 times per second, it can quickly loosen up tight fascia and tight calf muscles.  This is usually very painful when done manually.   This does not mean that Power Plate can cure Plantar Fasciitis. 

You'll still get tight, but over time the root cause of Plantar Fasciitis will be addressed. And likely you'll avoid painful or even catastrophic ouutcomes. The Power Plate in this video is the pro7. (available for use at Life Time and Equinox clubs)

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