There Is No Other Path To Long Lasting Shape Change That Is THIS Easy
We have all lost a few pounds by eating less. And maybe also exercising more.
And we have all seen these pounds come right back. Usually because we "spend" them because in our mind we have "earned" them.
And we can always earn more!
For those of us in the Power Plate community, we have a different way of thinking about this phenomenon.
==>>Research has shown (again and again) that when you add Power Plate usage to simple calorie restriction you keep the weight off to a MUCH higher degree.
The very interesting question is, why is this true?
Yes, when you activate your muscles to the degree you do on a Power Plate, you help rebuild your metabolic engine. Your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) goes up. More fat is burned on an ongoing 24/7 basis.
But, and this is a very important but, why don't we all go out and just "spend" this extra fat burned? Because we have earned it, right?
The answer may lie in the connection between our brain and our stomach. There is an idea being discussed by the most advanced "biological thinkers" out there. People like Peter Attia. The idea is the concept of "set point."
Set point is essentially the baseline that we seem to all return to. No matter what. It is very hard to get away from this. Someone who is 40 pounds overweight, and loses that weight, there is a tremendous amount of "biological and psychological programming" that one is working against.
Someone who has not been 40 pounds overweight is not working against this type of "mind gravity."
So how does Power Plate help someone really "attack" this set point? This gravity. Not cure or fix, but really help?
The answer really comes down to the type and frequency of exercise you do on the Power Plate. It's been proven that Power Plate helps to increase calorie burn and metabolic rate by just sitting or standing on it.
But how do you get to the next step of a longer term "different baseline?"
When you start to add squats, push-ups, step-ups and hundreds of other varations of movement.
Exercises that you would do in a gym or with a trainer, you do on the Power Plate.
A very unscientific way of thinking about this is-- what if a big your job literally was to be in shape? If you poke around the Power Plate website, you'll see a ton of testimonials from very well known actors, supermodels and sports figures.
We have worked (often closely) with many of these people. Yes, they have the leverage to do the work and make the habit. But it works for them!
So the idea here is that when you add intensity and frequency to your Power Plate routine, you have a very real tool to help erode the power of "set point gravity."
There is no other machine or tool that is this effective and this easy to add to your mix. The harmonic vibration penetrates the whole body. Not just the lower extremities. Your whole neuro-muscular system is activated.
You could have the worlds strongest mindset, and do this by just changing your patterns. For the rest of us, there is Power Plate!