The #1 Strategy To Keep Bones Strong and Avoid "Catastrophic Outcomes"

There has been a major shift in how the medical community approaches osteoporosis prevention.   

This clear shift has been toward healthy eating and exercise as a primary focus. 

If you google "how to prevent osteoporosis" you'll see this for yourself. 

Weight-bearing exercise like running, tennis and dancing are cited by Johns Hopkins as a particular focus.   

But what if you feel like it's too late to make a difference or it's already hard for you to exercise??

This is where Power Plate comes in. 

Think of Power Plate as a whole body vibration machine that gives you the benefit of intense exercise, without having to do intense exercise.   

Power Plate is the ultimate exercise "cheat system."

To use a Power Plate, you need to stand on it, turn it on and stay on the machine for 8 or 9 minutes.   

==>>For hips and legs, do a gentle squat during this time. Hold onto the handles. 

==>>For arms and wrists, turn on the Power Plate and do plank pose and pushups for a few more minutes after your squat.    

Power Plate use also helps to quickly improve balance. There is some great research around that. 

When you use Power Plate long term, a few times a week, the improvement can be measurable. 

The other great thing about Power Plate is that as you use it, you'll likely start to get the energy and confidence to start to move more. 

And also do things you used to.   

The Power Plate vibrates on average 1200 times every 30 seconds.  This is impossibly fast, and you can't count this fast.   

The secret key to Power Plate is that this super fast vibration is also comfortable.

These 1200 "precision waves" stimulate your muscles 1200 times.  Muscles are connected to bone through tendon. 

The muscle that is right around your bones plays a really important role.  As this skeletal muscle is activated, it "tells" the bones to get stronger. 

Muscle and bone gets stronger and weaker together.  When you make your muscles stronger, you are going to make your bones stronger.   

****This can happen at any age.***

We have seen people in their 90's use Power Plate to get stronger and more mobile.  To be able to walk up and down the stairs much more easily.   

How to get started with Power Plate? 

Many people simply use the Power Plate at the gym.  Use the instructions above. Basically turn it on, stand on it for 8-10 minutes. 

Many people also get Power Plates for their home including a vibrating massage ball for targeted muscle relief. This package comes with a free program that teaches you MANY different exercises to help your whole body get strong and balanced.   We offer financing for $136 a month for this package. 

This larger unit can be financed for $300 a month, and will soon come in a very sleek looking Matte Black color. 

We find that because the new Power Plates are designed so well, people like to put them right in their living room or living areas.  It's the only piece of exercise/health equipment that's made the jump from the gym to the living room!


  • So, what is the total cost?

    Jean Mattson
  • So what is the total cost?


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