Strong Bones, Strong Body Q & A With Sylvie Patrick

Have you ever wondered how Power Plate can help improve your bone density?

Power Plate Master Trainer, Sylvie Patrick, designed the Strong Bones, Strong Body program specifically to increase bone health and improve bone density. As the vibration engages with your bones, it is stimulating them to grow, improving bone strength and preventing reduced bone structure.

Watch this recorded Zoom webinar with Sylvie Patrick: Strong Bones, Strong Body Program Q&A. This 45-minute virtual session will provide Sylvie’s answers to some of the questions you may be asking about how whole body vibration affects bone health and the positive effects that can result.  



  • Why is there non information on the GForce for any of these machines? As it appears to matter when a person has osteoporosis and my husband has had 3 back surgeries with degenerative disc’s
    We leave messages with alifePro asking if any of their machines has a 0.4 GForce and never get a reply.

    Virginia Colister
  • Why is there non information on the GForce for any of these machines? As it appears to matter when a person has osteoporosis and my husband has had 3 back surgeries with degenerative disc’s
    We leave messages with alifePro asking if any of their machines has a 0.4 GForce and never get a reply.

    Virginia Colister

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