Power Plate is likely the easiest and safest way to make your bones stronger at any age

Power Plate is likely the easiest and safest way to make your bones stronger at any age.

When you step on a Power Plate, the vibrations force your muscles to contract. 

This involuntary action is part of the magic of using a Power Plate. 

The average setting people use create 1200 vibrations every 30 seconds. 

This simple math is part of what makes a Power Plate such a great tool to make bones and muscles stronger, relatively quickly

Muscles are attached to tendons. 

Tendons are attached to bones.  

When muscles contract, it pulls on the tendon and puts force on the bone.

And the more force, the more pull that is put on the bone. 

This triggers a response from the bone to build up two main parts of your bone. 

1. The cortical, outer part of your bone. 

2. The trabecular, inner part of your bone. 

Doing ten minutes a day of simple, gentle squats can help trigger this response from your bones. 

Adding 5 to 10 pushups to your daily routine will help with grip strength. 

It's also a fantastic way to tone your arms. 

Every time you force a muscle contraction, you force a response from your muscles.  They get stronger and more useful.  You also burn some fat. 

Even very strong people have a hard time doing more than 12-15 pushups on a Power Plate.   

A little goes a long way to help build stronger hips, wrists, legs and arms.   

Read more: The Bone Strengthening Machine Used By Athletes, Doctors and Celebrities

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