How To Increase Range Of Motion In Your Knees With Dr Tommy Rhee

For those of you who have had injuries that happened in the past-- and you're having problems with full range of motion or restricted type of joint movement, this video will help.

Dr Rhee finds that both scar tissue and adhesion can create these range of motion issues.   He has his patients use the Power Plate to stretch the scar tissue or adhesions.

When you put vibration on these areas, it helps stretch them out.  In my experience as his patient, I find that he likes to do a lot or reps and a lot of work.  It's often not comfortable, but it works. 

In my case I'm stronger than I was before my knee injury. Which I sustained falling on a small flight of stairs on a wet Maine morning last summer. 

As Dr Rhee says in this video "what I like to do with Power Plate is to really get aggressive with that range."

"You want to shift your weight forward shift back and forth that will increase the range and then because of vibration it helps really increase that lengthening of that scar tissue and break up the adhesion."

Dr Rhee does remote sessions with anyone around the world who has a Power Plate, and also welcomes people into his practice in Tampa, right near TPA.



  • Ankle area?
    Range of motion?

  • Thank you. I had my knee scoped due to torn meniscus 3 years ago, still has about 10-15% swelling due to Dr saying arthritis was there and he kind of scrambled it. I’m hoping this helps that too. Can’t kneel down or bend completely. Other knee meniscus torn at same time but it didn’t react so didn’t get it scoped. Thanks, I’ll try. Have a My5

  • Cannot wait to action this exercise.

    Deirdre Lovell
  • I have a torn labrum in my left shoulder – what is a good way to use power plate to help the scar tissue here?

    Kent Perkocha

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