How Acceleration Training Can Trigger A 57% Improvement In ANY Weight/Fat Reduction Plan
We wanted to quickly highlight one of our wonderful Power Plate partners in the Bay Area and share an idea from them with you.
Symmetry Health Center are a group of cutting edge body healers.
They have a dedicated Power Plate Therapy program called Acceleration Training. These are 25 minute workouts which incorporate Yoga, stretching, bodyweight and more.
All on the Power Plate, which provides an incredible amplification, due to the waves of energy that pulse through the body at 30-50 times a second.
==>Key Idea: any exercise that you normally do, do on the Power Plate. They see consistent improvements in body fat and more when people exercise on the plates for these 25 minute periods.
If you are in the area, check them out and you'll get some great training that you'll use for life.
You can also create your own version of Acceleration training at home with your own Power Plate MOVE , Personal Power Plate or larger home unit with a stand.
Acceleration Training offers a host of benefits, ranging from an immediate improvement in blood circulation, to a variety of other measurable outcomes:
Strength: Improves muscle tone, builds explosive power and endurance
Flexibility: Increases range of motion, coordination, balance and stability
Circulation: Improves & increases blood flow to strengthen the cardiovascular system
Weight Loss: Reduces body fat and enhances metabolism
Cellulite Reduction: Diminishes the appearance of cellulite
Build Bone Density: Increases bone density & prevents bone loss related to aging
Alleviate Pain: Promotes faster recovery, decreases pain and improves joint function
If you want to know a bit more about how the Power Plate helps to rebuild bone click here to watch a short video from Laura Wilson who I work with and is one of the best all around trainers and motivators I know.