Dr Rhee Showing How To Use Power Plate To Improve Joint Function, Reduce Fluid, Get Pain Relief

A key benefit of Power Plate therapy is getting the 3D harmonic vibrations to flow through your joints. When this happens, your joints start to have more space to move. Usually this results in less pain and more mobility. 

This is one idea for you to open your hip joints.  But the idea is the same-- when you move vibration through your joints, and also exercise on the plate, you ae going to build strength and also remove fluid from your joints. 

==>>You can use the straps that come with your Power Plate to wrap around your leg to help create the space to move the vibration through.

 This video was made in response to a request from the Power Plate community. 

Fluid buildup in joints, also known as joint effusion, can occur due to various reasons. Here are some common causes:


  1. Injury: Physical trauma, such as a sprain, fracture, or tear in the ligaments or cartilage (like the meniscus), can lead to excess fluid production as the body's response to protect and heal the damaged tissues.
  2. Arthritis:
    • Osteoarthritis: This condition involves the degeneration of joint cartilage, leading to increased friction between bones which in turn can cause fluid buildup as an inflammatory response.
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disorder where the body's immune system attacks the synovium, the tissue lining the joint, causing inflammation and fluid accumulation.
    • Gout: Caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, leading to inflammation and an increase in joint fluid.
  3. Infection: Known as septic arthritis, an infection in the joint can cause an increase in fluid as the body tries to combat the infection, leading to swelling and pain.
  4. Inflammation: Conditions other than arthritis, like bursitis or synovitis, where the synovial membrane or bursae become inflamed, can result in increased fluid production.
  5. Overuse: Repetitive strain on joints, often seen in athletes or individuals with jobs involving repetitive motions, can cause inflammation and subsequent fluid buildup.
  6. Autoimmune Disorders: Besides rheumatoid arthritis, other conditions like psoriatic arthritis can also lead to fluid buildup due to the inflammatory response in the joints.
  7. Hydration and Nutrition: Even though rare as a primary cause, inadequate hydration or nutrition can affect the quality and quantity of synovial fluid, potentially leading to joint issues.
The buildup of fluid serves as a natural response to reduce friction, cushion the joint, and aid in healing or fighting infection. However, excessive fluid can cause symptoms like pain, swelling, and limited joint movement, necessitating medical evaluation for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Dr Tommy Rhee runs Physical Chiropractic of Tampa Bay. His main specialty is helping elite athletes and everyday people ifx their pain and recover mobility. He has helped seriously injured NFL players, Olympic runners and people in the Tampa Bay community.

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