Can Vibration Machines Be Dangerous? What You Need to Know

Medically reviewed by: David M. Joyner, MD, FACS

Health and wellness has taken center stage in recent years, with more and more people focusing on all-around physical fitness—not just strength or a trim physique, but a balanced, resilient body. Vibration machines are one of the workout tools that’s currently making waves, thanks to their reputation for building strength, bone health, and mobility all at once when incorporated into one’s exercise and training regimen.

But as any fitness fan knows, it’s always smart to ask questions before jumping onto a new piece of equipment. 

So, what is a vibration machine and are there disadvantages of using them? What are the dangers of vibration machines? In this article, we’ll explore the truth behind these key questions. We’ll cover potential negatives of vibration machines and vibration training, along with the compelling benefits to the use of these popular wellness and fitness devices. 

Potential Negatives of Vibration Machines and How to Mitigate Them

Vibration machines may seem like they’re just the latest gym trend, but vibration is actually a scientifically-backed modality for exercise and physiotherapy with a long history. 

If you ask many physical therapists or healthcare practitioners, they’ll tell you that whole body vibration can be used for relief of pain from injuries, aid in rectifying musculo-skeletal problems, improving movement issues, and much more.,,  

However, vibration devices can also have drawbacks, if used incorrectly or contraindicated based on the user’s specific conditions. Below, we’ll cover the most common side effects of vibration training and how to mitigate them.

Common Side Effects and Prevention

Fortunately, most side effects from whole body vibration use are minor, and there are ways you can prevent them. They include:

  • Vibration-induced discomfort – When you first start using a vibration machine, you may notice discomfort during or after your workout. Typically, this is caused by the rapid contraction and relaxation of muscle tissues during your exercise or training session. Minor muscle soreness is normal with exercise, and especially if it is new to you. Be careful to assess whether you’re experiencing discomfort or pain. Pain is not a normal side effect when using a vibration machine correctly. 

Prevention tips: Make sure to maintain good form while using the machine. If pain persists, consult with a trainer to ensure you’re using the machine correctly.

  • Dizziness or nausea – Some users may experience dizziness or nausea during their initial sessions on a vibration plate. This is because vibration stimulates the vestibular system, the body’s system for detecting movement and maintaining balance. This type of motion sickness is harmless and should resolve when you stop using the device. 

Prevention tips: Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase as your body adjusts to the sensation.

  • Joint discomfort – For those with joint conditions such as injuries or cartilage degeneration, vibration machines may cause discomfort in the joints. Vibration training may contribute to overall joint flexibility and comfort, but strengthening exercises should be done with care and professional guidance. 

Prevention tips: Maintain good posture during your workouts. Use a mirror to ensure that your joints are properly aligned during all movements. Consult a trainer or physiotherapist if joint discomfort persists.

  • Headache – Headaches are a less common side effect, but are occasionally reported following a vibration workout. This could be due to vascular changes (increased blood flow), or muscular tension. 

Prevention tips: Be sure to hydrate well before and after working out. Stretch your neck and shoulders gently after each session to ease muscle tension. 

What Causes Vibration Injuries?

Many of the reports of potential harmful side effects of vibration on the human body are based on studies of work-related injuries. For instance, it’s well known that vibration from industrial equipment can cause nerve damage and skeletal problems after long-term exposure in the workplace.

However, harmful vibration exposure in the workplace is very different than a workout using a vibration machine:

  • Therapeutic devices use low-frequency vibration, while industrial equipment typically vibrates at damaging high frequencies and much greater amplitude
  • Vibration sessions for fitness are of short duration (typically between 10 to 30 minutes) vs. working with mechanical equipment for many hours a day
  • Vibration training uses carefully calibrated movements and postures, while workplace injuries are linked to concentrated, intense vibration to the hands or spine

Considerations for Specific Groups

Is there anyone who should not use vibration plates? In some cases, the answer is yes, and users should consult their healthcare provider before using vibration training for the first time

If you have one of the following conditions, get advice from your healthcare provider before using a vibration machine:


  • Pregnancy
  • History of stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Pacemaker
  • Seizure disorders
  • Ocular disorders
  • Artificial joints

For most people, vibration training is comfortable and poses no undue risk, when used properly.

Benefits of Vibration Training

Hundreds of studies have investigated the use of vibration machines as a tool to address conditions like obesity, bone loss, arthritis, chronic pain, neurological disorders, injuries, and more. Vibration has also been studied for benefits like increasing muscle endurance and recovery. 

Let’s take a look at what the research has uncovered.

Enhanced Recovery

Studies of vibration training have consistently found that it can aid with addressing symptoms from injuries, illness, chronic conditions, and surgery. A few examples include:

  • Stroke recovery – A 2023 meta-analysis of 11 studies found that whole body vibration was an effective remedy for patients suffering from impaired limb movement after a stroke.
  • Pain reduction – Multiple studies have found that vibration training may support overall physical well-being. For example, one double-blind study found that using vibration for 5 minutes a day resulted in significantly lower pain scores in patients recovering from rotator cuff reconstruction after 6 weeks compared to those who did not receive vibration.
  • Increased range of motion – Studies on athletes have found that the use of vibration training can increase range of motion without decreasing strength of muscle contraction, decrease stiffness in limbs, and increase the number of muscle units recruited during exercise.
  • Restored mobility for patients with neurological disorders – Disorders like cerebral palsy and Parkinson’s disease are characterized by loss of mobility, muscle stiffness (spasticity), and difficulty controlling movements. Some studies have found that vibration may ease spasticity, improve gait, and increase mobility overall in patients with various neurological disorders.,

Fitness and Health Advantages

When the body is exposed to whole-body vibration (WBV), the musculoskeletal system has to do extra work to keep you stable and balanced. This happens at a “micro” level—you may not feel a significant difference when you do squats or calf raises while standing on a vibration platform, but your muscles are making constant, tiny adjustments to maintain your position. These micro-contractions may be small, but they add up to real gains. 

Numerous studies have found that vibration exercises complements a well-rounded fitness regimen:


  • Increasing muscle strength, power, and endurance – The use of WBV has been shown in various studies to result in increased muscle activation during exercise compared to doing the same exercise without vibration. In particular, WBV has a significant effect on dynamic strength, isometric strength, and functional measures of strength such as jumping height and sit-to-stand movements. 
  • Improving balance and mobility – A review of 16 studies on the use of vibration in older adults found that vibration training can help restore knee muscle isometric strength, muscle power, and balance control.
  • Building stronger bones – Multiple studies have found that vibration can be used as a tool for addressing bone loss and osteoporosis. For example, a 2018 literature review concluded that WBV training is an effective method to address symptoms of decreased bone mineral density in the spine and neck in older women.

Maximizing the Benefits of Vibration Plates

A vibration plate can be a powerful tool, especially when used as part of a full fitness regimen, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, and plenty of sleep and hydration. Here are some tips for incorporating a vibration plate into your wellness plan.

Best Practices for Effective Use

To get the most benefit from your vibration plate:

  • Schedule short, regular vibration sessions 3 to 4 days a week (as they’re more effective than longer, less frequent sessions)
  • Start with 10-minute sessions while your body acclimates; build up to longer sessions gradually
  • Limit sessions to no more than 30 minutes per day
  • Maintain good form during your vibration plate sessions—avoid locking joints, and practice proper spinal alignment
  • Add the vibration plate to your regular workout by incorporating it into basic moves like planks, lunges, push-ups, calf raises, tricep dips, etc.

Personalizing Vibration Training

You can easily tailor vibration training to your individual needs and fitness level with these tips:

  • Choose a vibration plate that offers variable frequencies and adjust the frequency to your personal comfort zone
    • Higher frequencies and amplitudes provide more intense vibration, requiring your muscles to work harder to maintain stability
    • Lower frequencies are ideal for therapeutic use such as easing sore muscles, increasing mobility, etc.
  • Try gentle stretches and seated moves for recovery
  • To build muscle strength, power, and endurance, implement more intense aerobic workouts using a vibration plate

Remember, as with any type of training, everybody is unique. If you’re a beginner, take it slow and steady, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts as you go. Always listen to your body, and stop if you feel unexpected effects like dizziness, pain, or nausea during a session.

Find a New Level of Fitness With Power Plate

Whether you’re a dedicated fitness buff or simply looking for an effective way to reduce pain and build mobility, vibration training can help almost everyone. The benefits of vibration plates are well established, with hundreds of studies documenting effects ranging from pain relief to muscle gain. Of course, it’s always important to use vibration plates safely, following trainer guidance or recommendations from the manufacturer.

Whatever your fitness goals, Power Plate is ready to bring you top-of-the-line vibration plate technology.

With options ranging from our compact personal vibration plate all the way to professional-grade vibration platforms like the Pro7HC, there’s a Power Plate that’s the perfect fit for your fitness needs. Make Power Plate part of your wellness habits, and enjoy enhanced results, improved well-being, and a healthier, happier you.


Acta Physiologica Hungarica. The effects of whole body vibration on humans: dangerous or advantageous? 

Austin Sports Medicine. The historical evolution of the therapeutic application of whole body vibrations: Any lessons to be learned? 

Clinical Rehabilitation. Effects of whole body vibration on pain, stiffness and physical functions in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 

Clinical Rehabilitation. The effects of whole body vibration therapy on bone mineral density and leg muscle strength in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.  

Disability and Rehabilitation. Efficacy of whole body vibration exercise in older people: a systematic review. 

Disability and Rehabilitation. Vibration therapy role in neurological diseases rehabilitation: an umbrella review of systematic reviews.  

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Effects of local vibration with different intermittent durations on skin blood flow responses in diabetic people.

Frontiers of Neurology. Efficacy and safety of whole-body vibration therapy for post-stroke spasticity: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. Vibration therapy – A clinical commentary. 

Journal of Athletic Training. Whole-body vibration and the prevention and treatment of delayed-onset muscle soreness.

Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. Effects of local vibration therapy on various performance parameters: a narrative literature review. 

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Whole-body-vibration--induced increase in leg muscle activity during different squat exercises. 

Medicine. Whole-body vibration training and bone health in postmenopausal women. 

Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. Vibration therapy in patients with cerebral palsy: A systematic review. 

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. A review of studies on seated whole body vibration and low back pain. 

Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, and Health. Transmission of vibration in the hand-arm system with special reference to changes in compression force and acceleration. 

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