Unlocking the Benefits of Vibration Plates for Fibromyalgia Relief

Medically reviewed by: David M. Joyner, MD, FACS

Chronic pain disorders like fibromyalgia can be among the most difficult diseases to live with. Daily, ideopathic discomfort can make normal life an exhausting uphill battle. Luckily, a promising new avenue for relief is available: vibration training.

If you or a loved one is struggling with fibromyalgia, you may be asking what is a vibration plate and how it can help with this complex, misunderstood disorder. 

Strong scientific evidence demonstrates that vibration training can effectively aid in managing fibromyalgia symptoms including pain, stiffness, and impairment of balance and motor function, leading to an overall better quality of life. Here, we’ll review the current research on this low-impact training and discuss how a vibration plate can fit into your fibromyalgia management plan. 

Vibration Training Compared to Regular Exercise

Vibration training stands in stark contrast to traditional forms of exercise. This innovative method utilizes a vibration machine, specifically designed to send waves of vibration throughout the body. When standing on a vibration plate the vibrations cause the user to experience rapid muscle contractions. These involuntary contractions mimic the effects of conventional exercise but in a more intense and time-efficient manner.

Particularly beneficial for those with fibromyalgia, vibration training has shown promise in alleviating fibromyalgia symptoms, offering pain relief and increased skin blood flow. The gentle nature of whole body vibration exercise (WBV exercise) makes it a suitable option for people who might find regular physical activity challenging due to pain or discomfort.

Moreover, the benefits of vibration exercise extend beyond pain management. Research indicates that WBV exercise can aid in weight loss, help restore motion to joints, aid in muscle development, and increase skin blood flow.

Understanding Fibromyalgia and Vibration Training

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that can be debilitating. Because there is no visible cause, it often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for years. It causes a range of symptoms that affect the body and mind on a daily basis, including: 

  • Aching, burning, or throbbing pain in the entire body or at multiple sites
  • Long-lasting, intense feelings of fatigue 
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Brain fog 
  • Stiffness in the muscles and joints
  • Digestive problems
  • Sensitivity to sensations like light, sound, touch, and smell

The symptoms of fibromyalgia can make even the simplest tasks a formidable challenge. Chronic, widespread pain coupled with fatigue and difficulty sleeping can lead to an overall feeling of exhaustion and discomfort. Managing the symptoms of this complex disorder requires holistic approach that addresses both the physical and mental toll.

The Science Behind Vibration Training

Vibration training may be an effective component of a holistic approach to ease the adverse health effects of fibromyalgia. Vibration training may involve use of a plate that vibrates in a controlled frequency range (generally between 30 to 50 Hz) or a hand held vibratory device that is applied to parts of the body. 

Vibration training is done in two ways:

When vibration is applied to the body, muscle tissues respond with tiny, involuntary contractions. It’s a natural reflex action to maintain the body’s stability against pressure. These rapid muscle contractions and exercise stimulates the formation of new muscle and bone tissue. Vibration training, used as a supplemental tool in a comprehensive treatment program, can result in improved muscle strength and endurance, stronger bones, improved balance and flexibility, and more.

Next, we’ll explore how vibration exercise may provide symptom relief for fibromyalgia, and explore the scientific literature that supports it.

The Benefits of Vibration Training for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia patients face a range of mobility- and pain-related symptoms, which are often difficult to treat because the causes are not well understood. Vibration training has a history of effective use in improving movement and reducing pain, so it’s no surprise that researchers have begun to explore its potential as a training aid to help mitgate fibromyalgia symptoms. 

Current research shows that vibration training may be effective for:

  • Pain management and relief – Two studies published in 2021 found that the use of WBV platforms led to a significant reduction in pain and pressure sensitivity. Researchers noted that the WBV group “improved in almost all parameters immediately after the therapy program.” 
  • Improving mobility and flexibility – Multiple studies have found that WBV can lead to restored posture, gait, back muscle strength, static and dynamic balance, and overall quality of life scores.,, Researchers note that vibration training must be continued regularly for results to be maintained. 
  • Improving balance – Muscle stiffness and discomfort can lead to poor balance in people with fibromyalgia. A study on 46 women with fibromyalgia found that WBV, in combination with an exercise program, resulted in noticeably improved balance in participants compared to the control group which did the same exercise program without WBV.

Integrating Vibration Training into Daily Life

According to research published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, whole body vibration training is an effective tool for relieving certain fibromyalgia symptoms, “added to a physical exercise program, as it could improve balance, disability index, health-related quality of life, fatigue, and pain.” 

Best of all, vibration training is non-invasive and can be performed very gently. WBV is easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Side effects are uncommon and generally mild, such as dizziness or discomfort. When they do happen, they typically resolve quickly simply by reducing the intensity of the exercise. 

Below, we’ll go over some best practices for starting with vibration training safely and simply.

Starting with Vibration Training

Whether you’re a fibromyalgia sufferer or caring for someone who is, follow these tips to build a healthy WBV regimen:

  • Select the right equipment – Look for a whole body vibration plate that offers a range of frequencies so that you can adjust the intensity of your training to the level that’s right for you. 
  • Start with low-intensity sessions – If you’ve chosen a vibration plate with variable frequencies, start at the lowest level with short sessions of 5 to 10 minutes. Observe how your symptoms respond before building up to longer sessions.
  • Listen to your body – You may experience discomfort when you first begin vibration training. Some muscle soreness is normal due to the rapid muscular contractions produced by exposure to vibration. However, if you experience pain, consult with your trainer or healthcare provider before continuing.
  • Combine WBV with other wellness strategies – Researchers have found that vibration training is most effective for addressing symptoms associated with fibromyalgia when combined with an exercise regimen focusing on building strength, aerobic fitness, and flexibility.

Take Control of Your Health With Power Plate

Fibromyalgia is a life-altering condition, and finding ways to improve quality of life is vital for those living with the disorder. Although we still don’t know the cause, we do know that vibration training has the potential to provide significant relief of symptoms like pain and impaired mobility. 

If you’re living with fibromyalgia, speak to your healthcare provider about whether whole body vibration is safe for you. 

When you’re ready to explore the power of vibration training, Power Plate is the place to start. Our professional-quality vibration plates can support your management plan for fibromyalgia with patented tri-planar vibration. With Power Plate, you can experience professional-quality vibration training every day—all without setting foot in the gym or doctor’s office.


Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. Effects of whole body vibration therapy in pain, function and depression of the patients with fibromyalgia. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1744388117301500 

Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine. Effects of whole-body vibration therapy in patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic literature review. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4553315/ 

Frontiers in Neurology. The Therapeutic Effects of Whole-Body Vibration in Patients With Fibromyalgia. A Randomized Controlled Trial. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8208732/ 

International Journal of Environmental Research on Public Health. A comparison of the effect of two types of whole body vibration platforms on fibromyalgia. a randomized controlled trial. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/6/3007 

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. Changes in body balance and functional performance following whole-body vibration training in Patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: A Randomized controlled trial. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/245538082

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Fibromyalgia. https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/fibromyalgia 

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