After a lot of research and first being introduced to Power Plate by my brother and sister in law, I decided to invest in Power Plate as an addition to my personal health routine and goals. I've only used it for a few months now and I'm learning and experimenting with the many different ways to utilize it .
I have found even if you do not perform an actual exercise and just stand, sit for a few minutes daily I feel a big difference with my leg and arm muscles and my overall daily energy. I feel my leg, calf and thigh muscles as well as my arm muscles are tightening. (I lay my arms on it after standing and sitting on it). I also have an overall relaxed peaceful feeling after using it.
I work full time and this has been accomplished after
10-15 minutes twice a day morning and evening. I can't speak for everyone but this has been my personal experience . I really appreciate the science, knowledge, and real time affect's of what it is doing for my body and overall health so far.
I am extremely happy with my decision to purchase the Power Plate as I did think long and hard about it, but I feel it is definitely well worth the investment toward my whole health and longevity goals. I am excited to see my transformation as I progress.