Unlock the Full Potential of Your Body with Power Plate

Welcome to a new era of biohacking.

Experience the transformative power of Power Plate's state-of-the-art technology,  supported by rigorous scientific research.

Our Whole Body Vibration (WBV) platform has over four decades of peer-reviewed research and clinical proof, demonstrating how it can enhance human longevity and healthspan.

Boost Your Metabolic Health Boost Your Metabolic Health

Boost Your Metabolic Health

Power Plate has been clinically shown to lower circulating glucose levels, improve insulin resistance, and boost muscle oxygen consumption after just a single use1. It can also heighten the production of Irisin, a hormone vital to energy metabolism, aiding in weight management and insulin sensitivity2.

Enhance Your Cardiovascular Health

Enhance Your Cardiovascular Health

Our WBV technology aids in the production of Nitric Oxide, which increases blood flow and reduces blood pressure3. It has shown to enhance vascular elasticity and reduce arterial stiffness, contributing to overall cardiovascular health4.

Improve Your Cognitive Performance

Improve Your Cognitive Performance

WBV from Power Plate offers cognitive benefits comparable to traditional exercise. It has been shown to enhance attention, memory, and processing speed. It is also proven to increase regional cerebral blood flow to the brain areas that govern cognitive function, improving outcomes for those with vascular deficits5

Unlock your full potential today.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your health and performance.

Join the biohacking revolution today by entering your email.

  1. Blanks AM, et al., Whole body Vibration Elicits Differential Immune and Metabolic Responses in Obese and Normal Weight Individuals, 2020; Sanni AA, et al., The Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Amplitude on Glucose Metabolism, Inflammation, and Skeletal Muscle Oxygenation, 2022.
  2. Huh JY, et al., Irisin in response to acute and chronic whole-body vibration exercise in humans. Metabolism, 2014.
  3. Sackner MA, et al., Nitric oxide is Released into Circulation with Whole-Body, Periodic Acceleration, 2005.
  4. Figueroa A, et al., Whole-Body Vibration Exercise Training Reduces Arterial Stiffness in Postmenopausal Women with Prehypertension and Hypertension, 2014; Otsuki T, et al., Arterial Stiffness Acutely Decreases After Whole- Body Vibration in Humans, 2008.
  5. Wen J, et al., Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Cognitive Function: A Systematic Review, 2023; Odano I, et al., Whole-body Vibration Exercise and Training Increase Regional CBF in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Enhanced Cognitive Function, 2022.

Unlock your full potential today.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your health and performance.

Join the biohacking revolution today by entering your email.