Keeps its promise!
The bright red Move I bought at the end of 2024 was just what was needed to put this old lady back on track to health and healing. Accumulated insult and injury from living long. playing hard and wortking harder finally caught up with me as I rounded the corner to 72 - and really started piling on over the next few years. I resisted at first, but when one is exhausted, hurting and not functioning well, it can be hard to find the motivation to move. Not moving makes it worse, and not caring creeps in. About half way down the year to 76, Power Plate found its way into my inbox. I started reading the daily emails, and a little light of hope flickered on. There was a pretty good sale at the end of 2024, and the Move looked like the best value within my reach. I'll be paying it off until next Chrismas, but it has been worth every penny! With Power Plate, one doesn't need motivation to accomplish a great deal. (Aside: I was not impressed with the app and found it difficult to use - perhaps old age?) Luckily I had saved (and continue to save) all the Power Plate emails with the short videos and tips on using the Power Plate. I started with those. After a while, I moved my physical therapy exercises (which thanks to the Move I'd restarted) to the top of the Move, and added some new ones. Within a very short time, without a great deal of diligence and working at the lowest vibration setting, I can testify it does what they say it does: Greatly improved function, greatly…